
A Playlist is a way for you to organize your media (e.g. by topic, by lesson, by date, etc.). Media assigned to a playlists are visible to everyone in the course.

Create a Playlist

  1. Click on Playlists from the left hand menu.
  2. Include a Playlist Name
  3. Click Create Playlist.

Optional. If you want to allow students to upload videos to the default “everyone in this course” playlist and playlist(s) you created, follow the steps below.

  1. Click onĀ Manage from the left hand menu.
  2. Expand the setting calledĀ Customize this course
  3. Check off the setting “Students can upload/import/record and can share to the whole course or anyone in the course”
  4. A message will pop up to confirm the setting is turned on.

View Playlist Uploads

To view media that are added to Playlists:

  1. Click on Watch & Discuss from the left hand menu
  2. Click on the Playlists – Assignments – Groups drop-down from the top menu
  3. Select a playlist to access
  4. Click on the Media drop-down from the top menu
  5. Select a media to view