
Initial Concept and Development (2010-2013)

2010: lecture annotation concepts by Dr. Alan Kingstone, Dr. Evan Risko, Dr. Tom Foulsham

2011-2012: conceptual refinement as a learning tool by Dr. Shane Dawson

With contributions from: Dr. Alan Kingstone, Dr. Negin Mirriahi, Dr. Joanna Pedersen

Development and architecture: John Bratlien (2010-Nov 2012)

With technical guidance from: Liang Shao, Shaffiq Rahemtulla

Transition into Multi-purpose Interactive Video Platform (2013 onwards)

2014: pivoted into a multi-purpose interactive video platform by Thomas Dang, Dr. Fred Cutler, and Ricardo Serrano; and offered as a sustainable production service

Development and architecture: Thomas Dang (2013 onward)

Quality control and deployment strategy: Thomas Dang

Product strategy: Thomas Dang, Dr. Fred Cutler

With contributions from: Ricardo Serrano, Sharon Hu, Arts Learning Center, UBC eHealth Strategy Office, UBC School of Music

Project management: Ricardo Serrano

Service strategy: Angela Lam, Ricardo Serrano

Service operation, consultation, training, documentation: Jenny Wong, Leanna Chow, Meena Kahlon, Jon Guarin, Angela Lam

Logo: Lenkyn Ostapovich

Website 2019

Documentation: Jenny Wong

Website concept: Leanna Chow, Jenny Wong

Web presence, design, graphics: Leanna Chow

Web programming: Jon Guarin

CLAS was made possible via funding from:

  • UBC Flexible Learning Initiative
  • Faculty of Arts
  • Arts Instructional Support and IT
  • Faculty of Education
  • eHealth Strategy Office
  • Department of Psychology
  • 2017 Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funding: application by Dr. Sebastien Prange to develop image annotation functionality

We also would like to recognize the generous support by the UBC Video Share Group and UBC IT Systems Group in hosting the CLAS service at UBC