As of September 2022, the CLAS LTI plugin is available to all Canvas courses within the Faculty of Arts. For more information, contact Arts ISIT. You connect to CLAS by:
- Creating a new course
- Connecting to an existing course
- Duplicating an existing course to connect to
Connecting CLAS in Canvas
You can enable the CLAS LTI plugin through Canvas Course Settings:
- Go to your course on Canvas
- From the course menu, go to Settings
- Click on the Navigation tab at the top
- Locate the menu item for CLAS
- Click on the three dots icon > Enable
- (Optional) Scroll to the top, click and drag CLAS to reorder your menu items as necessary
- Scroll to the bottom and click Save
- From the course menu, click on CLAS
- Follow the prompts to: Create a new course, Connect an existing course, or Duplicate and connect an existing course
- Enrolled users can now directly access CLAS through your Canvas course
Note: You can only connect one CLAS course to one Canvas course at a time. To request assistance with disconnecting a CLAS course from a Canvas course, please contact your Faculty Instructional Support Unit.