Connecting CLAS to Canvas

As of September 2022, the CLAS LTI plugin is available to all Canvas courses within the Faculty of Arts. For more information, contact Arts ISIT. You connect to CLAS by:

  • Creating a new course
  • Connecting to an existing course
  • Duplicating an existing course to connect to

Connecting CLAS in Canvas

You can enable the CLAS LTI plugin through Canvas Course Settings:

  1. Go to your course on Canvas
  2. From the course menu, go to Settings
  3. Click on the Navigation tab at the top
  4. Locate the menu item for CLAS
  5. Click on the three dots icon > Enable
  6. (Optional) Scroll to the top, click and drag CLAS to reorder your menu items as necessary
  7. Scroll to the bottom and click Save
  8. From the course menu, click on CLAS
  9. Follow the prompts to: Create a new course, Connect an existing course, or Duplicate and connect an existing course
  10. Enrolled users can now directly access CLAS through your Canvas course

Note: You can only connect one CLAS course to one Canvas course at a time. To request assistance with disconnecting a CLAS course from a Canvas course, please contact your Faculty Instructional Support Unit.