
Groups can be created to separate students into smaller groups for activities or discussions. Media assigned to a groups are only visible to the group members and Instructors/TAs.

Create a Group

  1. Click Groups from the left hand menu.
  2. Include a Group Name
  3. Select the student(s) that should be in this group by clicking on their name(s) in the box on the left. To select multiple students, hold down shift and select the students. Selected students will be highlighted in blue.
  4. Click the > arrow to bring the students to the box on the right.
  5. Click Create Group

Optional: If you want to allow students to upload media to their groups, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on Manage from the left hand menu.
  2. Expand the setting called Customize this course
  3. Check off the setting “Students can upload/import/record and can share to the whole course or anyone in the course”
  4. A message will pop up to confirm the setting is turned on.

Modify a Group

Edit Members

To modify the members in a group after it is created:

  1. Click Groups from the left hand menu.
  2. Click the Modify tab located at the top.
  3. Select the correct course.
  4. Choose the group you want to make changes to.
  5. The list of members that are currently in the group will be listed in the box on the right. Use the > and < arrows to modify member list.
  6. Click Apply to save your changes.

Delete Group

To delete a group:

  1. Click Groups from the left hand menu.
  2. Click the Modify tab located at the top.
  3. Select the correct course.
  4. Choose the group you want to make changes to.
  5. Click Delete to remove the group.

View Group Uploads

To view media that students submitted to Groups:

  1. Click on Watch & Discuss from the left hand menu.
  2. Click on the Playlists – Assignments – Groups dropdown.
  3. Click into a group that you want to view.
  4. Click on the Media dropdown to see the list of media in the group.
NOTE: Group lists that do not have any media uploaded to them will not be accessible.