Reuse and Archive Course

CLAS media can be re-used from term-to-term or year-to-year without having to re-upload all the media again. This function will allow you to re-use media in another term or year by clearing out the old annotations and then re-creating the course for the new term.

Clean Annotations to reuse the same course

  1. Click Manage from the left hand menu.
  2. Click Reuse and Archive Course.
  3. Select the course you want to clear annotations for.
  4. Click Clean All Posts.
  5. You will be brought to a new page to preview the changes you are about to make. Click Go Ahead and Confirm the timeline comments removal.
  6. You will be redirected to a confirmation page. Click Removed annotations and comments in ALL VIDEOS – Return to Course and Student Management to return to the Manage page.


  • Cleaning out the annotations will make retroactive analytic report generation impossible. Only use this feature if you are sure you want to clear all annotations and comments in the course.
  • After all the annotations are cleaned out from the course, you may want to update your enrolment list and populate it with the new term/year’s students. Instructions on how to add users can be found here.

Archive a CLAS course and/or create a copy for a new term

  1. Click Manage from the left hand menu.
  2. Click Reuse and Archive Course.
  3. Select the course you want to archive.
  4. Check/uncheck the option: Recreate this course.
    • If this option is checked, a new CLAS course will automatically be created and all the media in the “everyone” group will be copied into the newly created CLAS course for you. Remember to select the season of when the new course will be offered. (Note: videos in personal groups and external URL media imports will not be copied over)
    • If this option is unchecked, the course you selected will be in archive mode and users are no longer able to participate in the course. (Note: embedded media will continue to work)
  5. Click Archive and Create new Course to proceed.
  6. You will be brought to a new page to preview the changes you are about to make. Click Go Ahead and Confirm the Course Archival.
  7. You will be redirected to a confirmation page. Click Archived the course – Return to Course and Student Management to return to the Manage page.


  • Archived sites are prepended with the word ARCHIVED. For example, an archived course will be renamed to “ARCHIVED ENGL 101 001 2018W JOE”.
  • The new courses created using this method will not have current students added automatically. To add current students to the course, please contact Arts ISIT at